Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin 1KG
Product Information
Blackcurrant Protein Chinese Version:
Nuewee 有机黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素是 马来西亚最好的虾青素产品之一. 虾青素是一种类胡萝卜素色素,存在于鳟鱼、微藻、酵母和虾等海洋生物中。 它最常见于太平洋鲑鱼中,是鱼呈粉红色的原因。
𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗲 选择了代表虾青素最高品质水平的 AstaReal® 虾青素来提供最安全 ,纯净有效的天然虾青素。 AstaReal®虾青素 源自于雨生红球藻,所以素食者也可以放心食用。
虾青素是一种 抗氧化剂。这种作用可以 保护细胞免受伤害。虾青素还可以 帮助免疫系统更好地发挥作用. 关于虾青素如何影响运动后的耐力和疲劳水平,已经有很多研究。 据说马来西亚的虾青素产品有助于增加身体对脂肪酸的使用,这有助于耐力并防止肌肉和骨骼损伤。
葡萄籽和Alpha OPCs抗氧化剂比维生素E强约2倍,比橙的维生素C强4倍。这些葡萄籽和OPCs的健康益处包括抗菌,抗病毒,抗癌,抗炎,抗过敏和血管扩张等好处。
NUEWEE 有机黑加仑子蛋白粉与虾青素的好处:
- 改善你的大脑和记忆功能
- 改善视力
- 减少身体肿胀
- 促进伤口愈合
- 保护心脏健康
- 增强皮肤的弹性
- 帮助减重
- 淡化雀斑
NUEWEE有机黑加仑子蛋白粉与虾青素食用方式 :
产品重量:450gm (可食用18次左右)
Blackcurrant Protein English Version:
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant with Astaxanthin is 100% vegan product without anyartificial ingredients. The high protein content makes it an ideal source ofvegetable protein and valuable source of other nutrients like DHA, GOS,Probiotic, Calcium,Vitamin C and so on.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant with Astaxanthin is also rich in fibre, and low in saturated fats. The sweet flavor comes from the natural blackcurrant powder and fructose so that it gives an extra energy boost to your protein serving.
Lutein which is called as “Eye Vitamins” to prevent eye diseases including age-relatedmacular degeneration (AMD), cataracts and retinitis pigmentosa.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin is one of the best Astaxanthin product in Malaysia. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment found in sea creatures such as trout, microalgae, yeast, and shrimp. It is most commonly found in Pacific salmon and is responsible for the fish’s pinkish hue.
𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗲 has chosen AstaReal® Astaxanthin, which represents the highest quality level of astaxanthin, to provide the safest, pure and effective natural astaxanthin. AstaReal® astaxanthin is derived from Haematococcus Pluvialis, so vegetarians can eat it with confidence.
Astaxanthin is a type of antioxidant. This effect may protect cells from harm. Astaxanthin may also help the immune system function better. There has been a lot of research into how astaxanthin affects endurance and fatigue levels after exercise. The astaxanthin product in Malaysia, is said to aid increase the body’s use of fatty acids, which aids endurance and prevents muscle and skeletal damage.
The antioxidant contents in Grape Seed and Alpha OPCs are approximately 2 times more powerful than vitamin E and as much as 4 times stronger than vitamin C.
Health benefits of these Grape Seeds & OPCs include antibacterial, antiviral, anti carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory,anti-allergic, and vasodilatory.-
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin
is a healthy and natural way to optimize your daily nutrients need.
This product is suitable for all age groups, especially growing children, busy working group and senior citizen.
Benefits of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin:
- Improve your brain & memory Function
- Weak eyesight
- Reducing Swelling
- Boost wound healing
- Protect heart health
- Improve Skin’s elasticity
- Obesity and weight lost
- Reduce and lighten pigmentation
Ingredients of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin:
Organic Soybean Powder (Dehulled), Isolated Soy Protein, Blackcurrant Juice Powder, Astaxanthin, Grape Seeds, Alpha OPCs, DHA, Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS), Probioyic, Calcium, Lutein, Vitamin C and Fructose.
Recommended Serving of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin:
Mix 2 scoops of Nuewee Organic Pumpkin Seed with 200ml cold or warm water.Stir well and serve.You may add in instant oat meal or other cereal as well.
Blackcurrant Protein Malay Version:
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin merupakan sejenis produk vegan tanpa sebarang bahan tiruan.
Kandungan protein yang tinggi menjadikannya suatu sumber protein sayuran dan lain-lain sumber yang berkhasiat seperti DHA, GOS, Probiotik, Kalsium, Vitamin dan lain-lain lagi.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin juga kaya dengan fiber, dan kandungan lemak tepu yang rendah. Sumber perisa manisnya adalah daripada serbuk blackcurrant dan fluktosa semula jadi supaya ia dapat memberikan rangsangan tenaga tambahan untuk setiap hidangan protein anda.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin juga ditambahkan dengan Lutein yang juga dikenali sebagai “vitamin-vitamin mata” untuk mengelakkan pelbagai penyakit mata, termasuk degenerasi makula berhubungan dengan usia (AMD), katarak dan penyakit mata Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Kandungan anti-oksidan dalam benih anggur dan Alpha OPC adalah kira-kira 2 kali ganda lebih kuat daripada vitamin E serta 4 kali ganda lebih kuat daripada vitamin C.
Kebaikan-kebaikan benih-benih anggur dan OPC termasuklah anti-bakteria, anti-virus, anti-karsinogen, anti-keradangan, anti-alergi serta melebarkan saluran darah.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin adalah salah satu produk Astaxanthin terbaik di Malaysia. Astaxanthin ialah pigmen karotenoid yang terdapat dalam hidupan laut seperti trout, mikroalga, yis, dan udang. Ia menyebabkan ikan salmon berwarna merah jambu dan salmon yang paling kerap dilihat di Pasifik.
𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗲 telah memilih AstaReal® Astaxanthin, iaitu tahap yang paling tertinggi dalam astaxanthin, untuk menghasilkan astaxanthin semulajadi yang paling selamat, tulen dan berkesan. AstaReal® astaxanthin adalah sumber daripada Haematococcus Pluvialis. Oleh itu, orang yang vegetarian juga boleh memakannya dengan yakin.
Astaxanthin ialah sejenis antioksida yang boleh melindungi sel-sel daripada bahaya. Astaxanthin juga boleh membantu sistem imun berfungsi dengan lebih baik. Malah, terdapat banyak kajian tentang bagaimana Astaxanthin mempengaruhi tahap ketahanan dan keletihan selepas bersenam. Produk Astaxanthin di Malaysia, dikatakan membantu meningkatkan penggunaan asid lemak badan, yang membantu daya tahan dan mencegah kerosakan otot dan rangka.
Minuman Nuewee Organic Blakcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin merupakan satu cara yang sihat dan semula jadi untuk optimumkan keperluan pemakanan harian anda.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin sesuai untuk kesemua golongan umur, khasnya kanak-kanak yang sedang membesar, kumpulan bekerja sibuk serta warga emas.
Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin Sesuai Untuk:
- Memperbaiki otak dan fungsi ingatan anda
- Daya penglihatan yang lemah
- Mengurangkan bengkak
- Meningkatan penyembuhan luka
- Melindungi kesihatan jantung
- Meningkatkan keanjalan kulit
- Obesiti dan kehilangan berat badan
- Mengurangkan dan meringankan pigmentasi
Ingredients of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin:
Organic Soybean Powder (Dehulled), Isolated Soy Protein, Blackcurrant Juice Powder, Astaxanthin, Grape Seeds, Alpha OPCs, DHA, Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS), Probioyic, Calcium, Lutein, Vitamin C and Fructose.
Recommended Serving of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin:
Mix 2 scoops of Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin 200ml cold or warm water.Stir well and serve.You may add in instant oat meal or other cereal as well.
Berat: 450g
Produk Asal: USA

Soalan Lazim:
1. Bagaimakah NUEWEE Organik Protein berfungsi? Siapa boleh mendapat manfaat dari penggunaan NUEWEE Organik Protein?
NUEWEE Organik Protein membekalkan protein berkualiti tinggi, yang bererti ia mengandungi jumlah kesemua asid amino yang mencukupi dalam bentuk yang tubuh anda boleh gunakan dengan protein dietari yang lain untuk pertumbuhan, penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan tisu.
NUEWEE Organik Protein sesuai untuk orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak yang sedang membesar sebagai sumber protein berkualiti tinggi yang boleh diguna untuk mengganti protein haiwan lemak lebih tinggi dalam diet.
2. Bolehkah saya mengambil NUEWEE Organik Protein jika saya mempunyai asid urik?
Tahap asid urik yang tinggi disebabkan terutamanya oleh gangguan metabolisme purin, oleh itu anda perlu mengawal penggunaan makanan purin tinggi.
Makanan tinggi purin termasuk daging, ikan, makanan laut, ayam, roti manis, buah pinggang, hati, otak, dan sayuran seperti asparagus, kembang kol, cendawan, bayam, dan kacang kering (kacang merah dan kacang).
NUEWEE Organik Protein rendah dalam tahap purine, selamat menggunakan 2 sudu setiap hari. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi sesiapa yang mempunyai gout, disarankan untuk memeriksa dengan doktor sebelum mengambil NUEWEE Organik Protein.
3. Adakah pengambilan NUEWEE Organik Protein akan menjadikan saya gemuk?
Tidak. Malah, ia akan membantu anda jika anda sedang berdiet.
Asid amino dalam protein dapat menstabilkan paras gula darah anda. Ini penting kerana serbuk itu menghalang anda daripada mengidamkan makanan bila paras gula darah turun.
Jika diet anda telalu tinggi kandungan karbohidrat, paras gula darah naik turun. Mulanya anda bertenaga dan rasa kenyang, kemudian menjadi lapar pula.
Satu hidangan NUEWEE Organik Protein memberi anda kurang daripada 90 kalori, yang mana lebih baik daripada mendapatkan protein anda dari makanan berat, yang mungkin mengandungi beratus-ratus kalori.
4. Bolehkah kencing manis mengambil NUEWEE Organik Protein?
Gula utama NUEWEE Organik Protein berasal dari fruktosa dan stevia. Penyerapan fruktosa adalah lebih perlahan daripada glukosa dalam usus kecil, ia tidak bergantung kepada insulin, oleh itu impak pada tahap gula darah tidak tinggi.
Sumber utama fruktosa adalah buah, jadi pesakit kencing manis dapat makan buah secara sederhana. Malah pesakit kencing manis sesuai untuk mengambil segelas NUEWEE Organik Proteinsetiap hari.
5. Bolehkah NUEWEE Organik Protein diambil setiap hari walaupun kita telah mengambil banyak daging, ikan, telur?
Ya, semuanya bergantung pada berapa banyak protein yang anda mahu dalam diet anda.
Walau bagaimanapun, pihak berkuasa kesihatan sangat mengesyorkan pengurangan lemak, yang bererti mengurangkan makanan protein yang juga mengandungi banyak lemak, contoh, daging dan telur.
NUEWEE Organik Protein aedalah satu cara untuk mendapatkan protein berkualiti tinggi dengan lemak minimum dan tanpa kolesterol.
6. Adakah NUEWEE Organik Protein disyorkan untuk wanita hamil atau ibu yang menyusui?
Ya, soya adalah sumber protein yang baik, lengkap dengan semua asid amino penting yang diperlukan untuk manusia. NUEWEE Organik Protein adalah kaya dengan nutrien dan mengandungi banyak mineral dan vitamin.
7. NUEWEE Organik Protein menyebabkan angin?
NUEWEE Organik Protein adalah pengasingan protein kedelai, komponen utama adalah protein, dan kandungan gula sangat sedikit, jadi ia tidak akan menyebabkan masalah tersebut.
8. Adakah NUEWEE Organik Protein disyorkan untuk kanak kanak?
Kanak-kanak berumur setahun ke atas boleh mengambil NUEWEE Organik Protein.
Jika seseorang anak kurang atau tidak mengambil produk haiwan, satu hidangan NUEWEE Organik Protein adalah disyorkan.
1. How does NUEWEE Organic Protein works? Who may benefit from taking NUEWEE Organic Protein?
NUEWEE Organic Protein provide high quality protein, contains adequate amounts of all essential amino acids in a form your body can use with other dietary protein for growth, maintenance, and tissues repair.
Protein is an important building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
NUEWEE Organic Protein is suitable for adults and growing children as a source of high quality protein that can be used to replace animal proteins with high fat in our diet.
2. Can I take NUEWEE Organic Protein if I have uric acid?
Elevated uric acid level is mainly caused by purine metabolism disorders, hence you need to control consumption of high purine food. Foods high in purines include meat, fish, seafood, poultry, sweetbreads, kidneys, liver, brains, and vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach, and dry beans (lentils and peas).
NUEWEE Organic Protein is low in purine level, it is safe to consume 2 scoop per day.
However, for anyone having gout, it is advisable to check with your physician before taking NUEWEE Organic Protein.
3. Will intake of NUEWEE Organic Protein cause weight gain?
Not really, protein is comparatively not easy to turn into fat, while consuming too much fat and carbohydrates will cause weight gain.
The amino acids in the protein may help keep your blood sugar levels stable, so you will not feel hungry always. It may help you if you are on a diet.
Moreover, one serving of NUEWEE Blackcurrant protein provides you less than 90 calories, which is better than getting your protein from a heavy meal that contain hundreds of calories.
4. Can diabetics take NUEWEE Organic Protein?
NUEWEE Organic Protein uses fructose as main source of sugar. Fructose is absorbed slower than glucose in small intestines, it does not require insulin, thus having little impact on blood sugar level.
Fructose is mainly found in fruits, even diabetics are suitable to take a glass of NUEWEE Organic Protein per day
5. Can consume NUEWEE Organic Protein even we have taken plenty of meat, fish and eggs?
Yes, it all depends on how much protein you want in your diet. Meat and eggs contain lot of fats, compared with NUEWEE Organic Protein, NUEWEE Organic Protein Powder has faster digestion and absorption time, reduces gastrointestinal burden, and is convenient to take.
NUEWEE Organic Protein is one way of getting high-quality protein with minimum fat and cholesterol.
6. Does NUEWEE Organic Protein recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers?
Yes, soy is a good source of protein, completed with all essential amino acids necessary for human. NUEWEE Organic Protein is nutrient rich and contains a lot of minerals and vitamins.
And NUEWEE Organic Blackcurrant Protein Powder is organic food, without any chemical additive, it is safe for consumptions.
7. Is drinking after a caesarean section helps with wound repair and healing?
The wound of a caesarean section is larger, it consist incision cesarean section operation, surgical opening, skin, subcutaneous, anterior sheath, muscle layer, peritoneum, lower end of the uterus, a total of seven layers. Wound infection, foreign bodies, compression, traction (impairing blood circulation), nutritional deficiencies, or low immunity can affect wound healing.
The most important part of the cesarean section repair period is to promote wound healing, repair body functions, regulate various organs, contract the pelvic cavity, promote uterine contractions, and restore the normal function of the uterus as this is the most important part of postpartum conditioning.
Caesarean section requires more protein, vitamin C promotes wound healing and reduces the chance of infection. In addition, blackcurrant protein powder helps to repair wound, resist and reduce inflammation.
8. Will NUEWEE Organic Protein cause bloating?
Isolated soy protein in NUEWEE Organic Protein are primarily protein, with very little sugar, so they should not cause such a problem.
9. Is NUEWEE Organic Blackcurrant Protein Powder suitable for children? Children often look at computers and play mobile phones, will it improve eye problems?
NUEWEE suits kids that are aged 1 year old and above. It contains blackcurrant and 250mg grape seed, both are helpful in enhancing vision. Blackcurrant contains 160mg Vitamin C, it’s a nutritious fruit!
Long-term consumption of blackcurrant can help protect eyesight and is a good antioxidant to help enhance eyesight. Our customers have been drinking for 30 days, and the vision problem has been significantly reduced.
Also, Blackcurrant Protein Powder is also rich in calcium. In the growth of children, the development of bones is very important, so parents must increase their children’s calcium intake. Calcium also helps children maintain healthy teeth.
Calcium plays a great role in the transmission of information in the brain and is indispensable! It helps in the growth of brain nerve for kids as well!
10. I want to improve the symptoms of vision deterioration, myopia, retinopathy, etc. Is this product useful?
NUEWEE Blackcurrant Protein Powder contains 50mg of Lutein. Lutein is protective for the macula in the retina, it is the key in helping eye development! We cannot synthetize it by ourselves, we have to be supplemented by ingesting lutein.
When the blue ray of electronic devices enters the eyes, a large amount of free radicals will be produced, leading to cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein can filter out blue ray and avoid blue ray damage our eyes.
If the eye lack of lutein, there will be symptoms such as vision deterioration, myopia, and retinopathy, even cause blind! And nowadays people tend to overuse their eyes without getting enough lutein, which causes all kinds of eye problems!
11. My eyes are dry and sore recently, how can I soothe my eyes?
If you are looking for the product that relieves eye fatigue, look for NUEWEE! NUEWEE Blackcurrant Protein Powder contains a variety of antioxidants, such as anthocyanin.
Anthocyanin is the best element to protect vision! Modern people face mobile phones and computers for long period of time causing their eyes to become dry and sore. NUEWEE Blackcurrant Protein Powder with grape seeds are able to relief your eyesight problems!
12. I planning to help kids choose a better protein powder.
Looking for a better protein powder for kids? Do select NUEWEE Blackcurrant Protein Powder with Astaxanthin! Our blackcurrant with grape seeds contain probiotic, able to assist children’s health development!
Probiotics are useful for the common cold, acute laryngotracheobronchitis and so on. Common disease include cough, fever, headache, sore throat, runny nose and sneezing.
Furthermore, Blackcurrant Protein Powder that rich in DHA is a major nutrient for the growth and maintenance of cells in the nervous system, beneficial for children’s brain development, it is the key to determining the level of cognitive, behavioral and executive abilities of children! It is also able to maintain the normal metabolic activity of the human nervous system.
13. How much and what kind of probiotics does NUEWEE Organic Blackcurrant Protein Powder contain?
NUEWEEBlackcurrant Protein contains 2.5 billion probiotics per 25 gm serving.
Bacteria include: (Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Fermentum, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus Helveticus, Enterococcus Faecium.)
14. Is the product certified?
NUEWEE has been on the market for 10 years, also certified by Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM), Halal, HACCP, GMP, ISO and so on. Besides that, NUEWEE products are available in Aeon and Pharmacy, it is absolutely safe and reliable.
15. Will I have stomachache problem after drinking it?
No. Our products are protein powder and not for detox. There are usually laxative ingredients in the detox product in the market that cause stomachache.
16. Can I feel satiety after taking it?
Our product contains carbohydrates, with low calories and provides energy, so you can feel satiety. You can also add with instant oatmeal, chia seeds, grains, etc.
17. Where does the product come from, how much weight per can and how long can it be eaten?
The formula of NUEWEE Blackcurrant Organic Protein Powder with Astaxanthin is origin from USA.
There are 2 types of packaging: 450GM or 1KG. If you take two tablespoons each time, you can eat up to 18 times (450gm) or 40 times (1KG).
18. It is pricey?
NUEWEE price is reasonable with 5 stars quality and service! Two tablespoons each time, about RM3.60++/meal. Each cup can also bring you more than 20++ kinds of effects.
19. I have skin allergies, freckles (age spots), rough and dry skin problems, can it be improved?
Blackcurrant with Astaxanthin has strong antioxidant (anti-aging), freckles reduction, beautifying and anti-radiation effect. In addition, protein and vitamin C can also improve skin smoothness and fairness, and of course it also has whitening effect.
20. I have gastric pain, can I drink it on an empty stomach?
It is allowed. Take protein powder best before meals, able to protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the problem of stomach pain. Suggested to drink with warm water, eating on an empty stomach is also easier to digest and absorb, and the effect will be better。
21. Is NUEWEE Blackcurrant Organic Protein suitable for vegetarians?
Yes. NUEWEE Blackcurrant Organic Protein Powder manufactured with plant-derived ingredients only.
22. Is it suitable for people with lactose intolerance?
Yes. NUEWEE protein are very suitable for people with lactose intolerance.
They are born lacking the enzyme lactose that can digest lactose in milk, so after drinking milk or eating dairy products, they cannot fully digest the lactose in it. The lactose is sent to the large intestine, where it will be fermented and decomposed by bacteria in the large intestine and become a large amount of fatty acid and gas. The fatty acid and gas caused the large intestine to absorb a lot of water, resulting in nausea, diarrhea, abdominal distension, abdominal cramps and other symptoms.
23. Are protein powder easily absorbed?
The soy protein in NUEWEE products has a protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of 1 (PDCAAS=1).
It means it provides the best quality protein and 100% able to be absorbed by human.
24. Can I eat it if I have cancer disease? I have colorectal cancer (with chemotherapy), and I am currently recovering. I am also facing edema. Will it help me improve?
NUEWEE products are categorized as food, edible for cancer patients. When colorectal cancer undergoes chemotherapy, it will destroy the function of the large intestine to absorb and regulate water, resulting an imbalance of water in the body caused edema.
When the protein intake is insufficient and the body has more water, the water will enter the cells, and the cells will become edema due to excessive water. However, edema is not a disease, just too much water and does not have impact on health issues.
During the recovery period, you can only supplement enough protein. If the body is difficult to absorb, it is necessary to increase the intake, and eat it differently from ordinary people. Increasing the intake, at least 3 times a day, for two weeks, it will help reduce edema problem.
25. Can it improve female hormonal imbalance?
Women’s monthly dizziness, heat, mood swings, skin deterioration, weight gain and other problems are all caused by hormonal imbalance.
Take sufficient soy protein powder when there is the problem of hormonal imbalance, able to achieve endocrine regulation so that it balances estrogen in body. When the estrogen in the body is too low or too high, you can eat soy protein powder to adjust.
26. Can Kidney Stone patients take NUEWEE Protein Powder?
Kidney Stone is caused by drinking less water for a long time or eat animal-derived meat frequently. You are suggested to drink more water or acidic drinks, it helps to break down the body’s metabolites, thereby reduce the risk of kidney stone.
Therefore, plant protein and kidney stones are not directly related, nor do they affect it.
27. After I take Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Astaxanthin, I feel my skin itchy. Why this will happen?
Itchy skin has nothing to do with the product, unless the customer has allergies.
If it’s just an itchy nose and chin, we can related to antioxidants, due to high antioxidant in blackcurrant, the itchy part after the customer eats is belongs to the part where the blood circulation is relatively fast, so if you have allergic skin problems, you will feel itchy.
You are suggested to drink Green Tea, because it contains AFA (stem cells), it can repair the symptoms of inflammation and reduce the symptoms of pus and inflammation.
1. NUEWEE 有机蛋白粉如何发挥他的作用呢?谁可以从中受益呢?
NUEWEE有机蛋白粉适合成年人及发育中的儿童. 作为一种优质蛋白质来源,它可用于取代饮食里脂肪量较高的动物蛋白质。
2. 尿酸可以饮用NUEWEE有机蛋白粉吗?
3. 饮用NUEWEE有机蛋白粉导致发胖?
NUEWEE 有机蛋白粉里的氨基酸能帮助稳定您的血糖水平,增加饱足感,对于在节食的您反而有帮助!而且一杯NUEWEE 有机黑加仑蛋白粉才提供84卡路里而已哦。
4. 糖尿病患者可以饮用NUEWEE有机蛋白粉?
5. 平常有吃大量肉类,鱼和蛋等,还可以饮用NUEWEE有机蛋白粉吗? 可以。这有赖于您希望从饮食里摄取多少蛋白质。肉类蛋类有大量脂肪,相较于NUEWEE有机蛋白粉, 消化吸收时间快, 减少肠胃负担, 服用方便. 因此, 饮用NUEWEE有机蛋白粉是获取优质蛋白质和最低脂肪与胆固醇量的方法之一。
6. NUEWEE 有机蛋白是否适用于喂母乳,哺乳,备孕和怀孕的母亲?
可以,大豆蛋白质是优质蛋白质,含有人体所必需的氨基酸。NUEWEE 有机蛋白粉 含有多种矿物质和维生素。
而NUEWEE 有机黑加仑蛋白粉是属于有机食品级别,没有添加任何化学物,非常安全使用。
7. 如果剖腹产后喝有帮助伤口修复和愈合?
8. 饮用NUEWEE 有机蛋白粉会胀气吗?
NUEWEE 有机蛋白粉的成分是大豆分离蛋白,主要成分是蛋白质,糖的含量极低,因此不会引致类似的问题。
9. NUEWEE有机黑加仑蛋白粉适合小孩吗?小孩经常看电脑,玩手机,会改善眼睛问题吗?
NUEWEE有机蛋白粉 适合一岁小孩以上的。里面有黑加仑和250mg的葡萄籽(Grape Seed),这两种都是助于增强视力的。黑加仑中含有160mg的维生素C,是一种营养丰富的水果!
钙质对脑内的讯息传导活动,发挥了极大的作用,是不可或缺的! 对于小孩的大脑神经的发育也是有一定的帮助的噢!
10. 我想改善视力退化、近视、视网膜病变等症状。可以使用这产品吗?
每份NUEWEE 黑加仑蛋白粉内含有 50mg 的叶黄素(Lutein)。叶黄素对视网膜中的黄斑部有保护作用,是帮助眼睛发育的关键元素! 而且人体本身是无法自身合成的,必须靠摄取叶黄素来补充。
电子产品的「蓝光」进入眼睛会产生大量的自由基,导致白内障,黄斑区退化! 叶黄素能过滤掉蓝光,避免蓝光对眼睛的损伤的哦。
如果眼睛缺乏叶黄素,就会出现视力退化、近视、视网膜病变等症状,严重还会导致失明的! 而现在的人用眼过度,却没有补充足够的叶黄素,所以引发了各种眼睛问题!
11. 最近我的眼睛又干又酸,如何可以舒缓眼睛?
想要寻找 【舒缓眼睛疲劳】的产品,找NUEWEE就对了! NUEWEE 黑加仑蛋白粉含有多种抗氧化物质,例如花青素。
花青素是保护视力的最佳营养元素! 现代人长期面对手机电脑,眼睛长时间处于又干又酸的状态。NUEWEE黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素 能够帮助舒缓亲爱的眼睛问题的!
12. 我想帮孩子们选一种比较好的蛋白粉。
想要找一种比较好的蛋白粉给孩子们,选择NUEWEE黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素准没错啦! 我们的黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素含有 益生菌 (Probiotic) ,有助于孩子们的健康成长哦!
此外,富含DHA的黑加仑蛋白粉,是神经系统细胞生长及维持的一种主要营养素,有益于孩子们脑部发育,是孩子们决定认知,行为和执行能力高低的关键! 也够维持人体神经系统的正常代谢活动。
13. NUEWEE有机黑加仑蛋白粉的益生菌 (Probiotic) 有多少含量和是什么菌种?
每食用NUEWEE Blackcurrant Protein的份量25克(gm), 含25亿株益菌。
菌种包括:嗜酸乳杆菌,长双歧杆菌,副干酪乳杆菌,鼠李糖乳杆菌,发酵乳杆菌, 嗜热链球菌,瑞士乳杆菌,肠球菌。
(Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Fermentum, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus Helveticus, Enterococcus Faecium.)
14. 产品有认证吗?
NUEWEE 产品已经在市场有8年了,也获得马来西亚卫生部(KKM)认证, 清真(Halal), HACCP, GMP, ISO 等认证。此外,产品都有在Aeon和Pharmacy售卖,所以绝对是安全和可信赖的。
15. 喝了会肚子绞痛吗?
16. 真的可以耐饱?
蛋白粉含有低碳水化合物,低卡路里,也会提供热能,所以会有饱足感。您也可以加入即溶麦片,奇亚籽(Chia Seed),谷粮等。
17. 产品来自那里,一罐有几重,可以食用多久?
NUEWEE 有机黑加仑蛋白粉与虾青素是来自美国的配方。
共有两种包装:450GM 或 1KG 装。每此食用两汤匙的话,可以食用18次(450gm)或40次(1KG) 左右。
18. 价格会贵吗?
NUEWEE 属于价格合理且提供5星级质量和服务哦! 每次两汤匙,大概RM3.60++/餐。每一杯也能够带给你超过20++种的功效的。
19. 我有皮肤敏感,雀斑(老人斑),粗糙和干燥的问题,可以改善吗?
黑加仑和虾青素具有很强的抗氧化作用(抗衰老),减少雀斑,养颜美容和抗辐射作用。此外,蛋白质与维他命C 也能提升肌肤柔滑,白皙头嫩的肌肤,当然也有美白的效果哦。
20. 我有胃痛,可以空腹喝?
21. 素食者可以食用 NUEWEE 有机黑加仑蛋白粉吗?
可以。NUEWEE 有机黑加仑蛋白质粉仅采用植物来源的成分制造。
22. 患有乳糖不耐症者可以食用吗?
23. 蛋白质粉容易被吸收吗?
NUEWEE 产品里的大豆蛋白质经消化修正的机酸评分值为 1 (PDCAAS=1)。
24. 如果有癌症可以食用吗?我有大肠癌(已做化疗),目前在康复期,也面对水肿问题,会帮助我改善吗?
当蛋白质摄取不足,而身体水分越多,水分就会进入细胞,细胞水分过多形成水肿。 但是,水肿并不是一种病,只是水分过多,没有对健康太大影响。
在康复期也只能补充足够的蛋白质,如果身体难吸收,就更加要增加摄取量,跟平常人不一样的吃法。增加摄取量,一天至少3次, 用两个星期来观察,会帮助减少水肿问题。
25. 能不能改善女性荷尔蒙失调?
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